Why Times Square is “a boner”

Hey BLAG fans, friends, detractors and enemies,

In an effort to increase updates and to just generally make my life easier, I’m going to start including more short-form content. It’s come to my attention that a lot of lesser blogs include sparsely written, insubstantial posts that serve almost no purpose, other than to keep the ball rolling and stroke the writer’s ego stiff. In short: it’s brilliant and I need to start doing it.

In order to make this process even easier, some of this stuff will be ripped straight from gchat logs, conversations and correspondence that involves any and all BLAG editors. Those of you who know me personally, do not worry. I will never publish anything without your permission unless it’s really funny or I could use it as leverage to get something I want.

That said, I recently did some encapsulating about all that is unpleasant regarding Times Square in a recent gchat with “Maggie”:

Times Square

This photo was taken on the middle of a Wednesday. There's just so much light pollution, you can't see the sun.

me:  yeah, times square is a real boner
Maggie:  i hate it
with a firery [sic] passion
well that’s a bit dramatic
but yeah its a boner
me:  yeah, i had already picked the perfect word for it
so you can just use that
times square
is large, and awkward and uncomfortable
and sometimes you just stumble into it
and you’re like
“aww, not again!”
“there are so many people around!”
it’s a boner.
Maggie:  hahahaha
you are so right about that
put it in your blag

There you go, Maggie. I put it in my BLAG.

Have thoughts or feelings about Times Square, boners, or both? Spout off in the comments section below! Or don’t. Because you never, ever do. I know like 30 of you read this. I get all the analytics reports.

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6 Responses to Why Times Square is “a boner”

  1. BrainiacJG says:

    Did “Maggie” not know how to spell “fiery” or was it a spelling error?

    • Bear says:

      You’d think someone who works in pulbishing would know how to spell, am I right?

    • gchattyposmv says:

      Why hello “Jon Gallo.” Long time no talk. It is indeed a typo and I am so very very sorry for the error. It was a shitty maggie thing to do. Sorry, sorry everyone!

  2. Alex says:

    Sarah, don’t use “Hello!!!” as your name. I can see everything.

  3. Paul says:

    Boners are large?

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